February 7, 2022
Further to our recent information around the available Drought Assistance Preparedness Grants, our team are pleased to advise our audience of the available Farm Management Grants for primary producers through the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority.
As part of the submission criteria for the Drought Assistance Preparedness Grants (contributing 25% of your costs up to a maximum of $50,000 for new permanent capital infrastructure to assist with future drought proofing) applicants are required to present a Farm Business Resilience Plan.
The grants available via the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority are designed to assist primary producers with the production of their Farm Business Resilience Plan for their property.
Farm Management Grants offer primary producers a 50% rebate on the cost of eligible professional advice up to a maximum $2,500 to produce a Farm Business Resilience Plan for their property.
Farm Business Resilience Plans are aimed to recognise risks associated with production, including climate and weather (such as drought), as well as biosecurity and natural resource management and business risks including financial and market factors.
To be eligible for assistance you must:
(a) be a primary producer;
(b) have paid for eligible professional advice;
(c) have received the eligible professional advice from 11 November 2021;
(d) have received the eligible professional advice from a suitably qualified adviser(s) who:
For more information and to access the application forms, please visit Farm Management Grants (
As always, our Synergy team are available to discuss any questions you may have about the Farm Management Grants available.. Please contact us if you have any questions you wish to discuss.
Disclaimer: Whilst this publication has been carefully prepared it is written in general terms and is intended as general information and to provide commentary. It does not purport to be comprehensive or render any advice. No one should rely on information contained in this publication without first obtaining professional advice relevant to their specific situation.
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